2016: |
- "Finding and using symmetry", Mathematics Seminar at the University of Dundee, 8th August.
- Talk at the conference "Group Theory, Geometry and the Influence of Jacques Tits" in Karlsruhe, 27th May: "Towards a Z*_3-Theorem".
- NBSAN-Meeting: "Applying permutation group theory" at the University of St Andrews, 18th March.
2015: |
- CIRCA-Seminar "Fixity and subgroup structure" at the University of St Andrews, 26th August.
- Lecture Series for the Modern Mathematics International Summer School in Bremen, 4th- 9th July, on Coxeter chamber systems.
- Inaugural lecture "Was sind und was können Gruppen?" at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 21st May.
2014: |
- Talk at the Workshop „Algorithms for Linear Groups” in Banff, 20th November: „Permutation groups where
non-trivial elements have few fixed points”.
- Lecture Series for the Modern Mathematics International Summer School in Lyon, 22nd-29th August, on the topics group theory and primality testing.
- Talk at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 24th July, for the application to a professorship:
„Permutation groups and Riemann Surfaces".
- Mathematics Colloquium at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 3rd July:
„Permutation groups working hard".
2013: |
- Nikolaus-Conference in Aachen, 6th December: "Permutation groups where
non-trivial elements have few fixed points".
- Colloquium on Pure Mathematics at the University of Hamburg, 19th November: "Permutation groups".
- Talk on the topic "Symmetry" at a spring academy for school students, 28th March.
- Algebra Seminar at the University of Birmingham, 28th February: "Permutation groups where
non-trivial elements have few fixed points".
- "Women leading in Mathematics" Lecture at the University of Birmingham, 27th February: "Permutation groups".
2012: |
- „Groups and Geometries“ in Banff, 3rd-7th September: "Special primitive pairs in finite groups". This talk can be watched here.
- Norddeutsches Gruppentheoriekolloquium at the TU Braunschweig, 29th.-30th. June: „C55-Gruppen“.
2011: |
- EPFL Lausanne, Group Theory Seminar, 8th November: "The Z*-Project".
- University of Aberdeen, Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, 25th June:
"Local arguments for the Z*-Theorem".
- TU Braunschweig, Baer-Colloquium, 28th May: "Das Z*_p-Projekt".
- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, 9th March: "The Z*_p-Project".
- Tokyo University of Science, 6th March: "Local arguments for the Z*-Theorem".
2010: |
- FU Berlin, 15th September: „Eine neue Sichtweise auf den Z*-Satz“.
- University of Gießen, 9th July, Colloquium for B. Baumann: „Eine neue Sichtweise auf den Z*-Satz: der nicht-auflösbare Fall“.
- University of Birmingham, 23rd. March (Women in Mathematics Seminar): „On Burnside's p^aq^b-Theorem“.
2009: |
- University of Birmingham, 14th September (Leaving Seminar): „Soluble Radicals“.
- University of Jena, 20th August: "Sätze vom Z*_p-Typ".
- University of Halle, 29th July: "Auflösbare Radikale".
- University of Halle, 17th February: "Sätze vom Z*_p-Typ".
2008: |
- Norddeutsches Gruppentheoriekolloquium in Kiel, 18th and 19th July: "Glauberman's Z*-Theorem".
- Groups and Geometries Meeting in Oberwolfach, 20th-26th April: "Soluble Radicals".
- Group Theory Seminar, University of Kiel, 15th April: "Auflösbare Radikale".
- George Glauberman Conference in Chicago, 24th-28th March: "A local approach to Glauberman's Z*-Theorem".
- Pure Mathematics Colloquium in Southampton, 22nd February:
"Glauberman's Z*-Theorem and the special role of elements of order 2".
2007: |
- Norddeutsches Gruppentheoriekolloquium in Magdeburg, 9th and 10th November: "Isolierte Involutionen in endlichen Gruppen".
- Group Theory Seminar, University of Kiel, 6th November: " Quadratisch operierende Elemente der Ordnung p".
- Algebra Seminar, University of Aberdeen, 25th October: "A local approach to Glauberman's Z*-Theorem".
- Algebra Seminar, University of Manchester, 15th May: "Isolated involutions in finite groups".
- Algebra Seminar, TU Kaiserslautern, 24th April: "Isolierte Involutionen in endlichen Gruppen".
- Algebra Seminar, University of Birmingham, 31st January: "Isolated involutions in finite groups".