Rebecca Waldecker


My name is Rebecca Waldecker.
I am the Professor for Algebra at the Institute of Mathematics of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, within the group "Algebra and Geometry".

picture Waldecker 2015
        photo by M. Gloeckner

Contact:  Rebecca Waldecker
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II
Institut für Mathematik
06099 Halle (Saale)

: rebecca.waldecker[at]
Telephone: 0049 (0) 345/55 24623 

Links :

University of Birmingham, School of Mathematics Homepage,
Mathematisches Seminar der CAU Kiel,
the ATLAS , the ARXIV, Wolfram MathWorld.

Michael Aschbacher,  Helmut Bender,  Inna Capdeboscq,  Olly CooleyRob Curtis,  Ben Fairbairn,  Paul Flavell,  Simon Goodwin,  
Ralf Gramlich,  Corneliu Hoffman,  Kay Magaard,  Mario MainardisChris Parker,  Lasse RempePeter Rowley
Sergey Shpectorov,  Ron SolomonBernd Stellmacher,  Gernot Stroth,  Imke Toborg, Richard Weiss.

 I am not responsible for the content of websites which are reached via external links.