

Ab dem 1. September 2022 übernimmt Raphael Kruse das Amt des Studiendekans der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät II. Die Amtszeit beträgt vier Jahre und endet zum 31.08.2026.

Vice-Dean for Education

Starting on September 1, 2022 Raphael Kruse will serve as vice-dean for education in the Department of Natural Sciences II. He is appointed for four years and the term of office will end August 31, 2026.

Raphael Kruse
Raphael Kruse

Prof. Dr. Raphael Kruse is the head of the working group “Numerik stochastischer Differentialgleichungen” at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. His research interests include numerical methods and stochastic analysis for stochastic evolution equations and Monte Carlo methods.